Sunday, November 29, 2009


If I was buying a new laptop for my course i would need to consider the following areas before purchasing one. The brand would not be a main issue but I would avoid buying a Dell because of the bad battery life that comes with it.

Operating System - Windows XP. Vista is too RAM consuming, 7 is too new, and I prefer windows to Apple.

CPU - Central processing unit. Here I would look for something fast and dependable. My current laptop has a Intel Centrino Duo core processor. Its never had a problem.

RAM - For a laptop 2GB of RAM will be fine.

DVD RW Drive - essential. A lot of things have to be backed up and memory sticks can be undependable.

Hard Drive - Nothing too big is needed. 160GB standard is fine.

Monitor - 14" is fine. A big screen is not needed.

These are the main factors but there are others. Such as good office software for presentations and assignments, USB ports and wireless connection all essentials for a student. Adobe programs can be a nice option to have.

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